Monday, December 2, 2013

Down the Wormhole

Literary Challenge 44 - Down the Wormhole


The maw of the wormhole gaped open and inviting: the swirling periphery also pulsating in a mesmerizing rhythm. The core of the storm was a very bright white, illuminating the black space around it. The Solaris was washed in the brightness of the opening thirty thousand kilometers away from the celestial event. Inside the bridge, the crew watched the scene through the main viewer. Only the Science Chief, a Trill named Omazei looked toward her console with concentration. Data streamed on screens revealing various telemetry.

"Omazei, anything?" Kathryn did not look away. Several minutes passed since the second probe was launched. Its intent was directed into the center of the wormhole. The first probe was still in a circuit collecting data at the periphery.

Omazei's fingers were in dedicated motion across the console, small beads of sweat dotted her forehead. "There is more than enough information to keep astrometrics busy for days."

Kathryn, not satisfied with the cryptic answer, walked up to the Science station and started staring at the readout. Having a strong background in astrometrics before her Captaincy, Kathryn's review of the data surprised her. She quietly excused Omazei's answer and let the Science Chief do her job.

Minutes passed. Both Kathryn and Omazei silently looking at the data with Kathryn more as an observer. Another minute passed when First Officer Anthi Ythysi walked up and quietly cleared her throat. "Captain, is there anything we should be concerned about?"

Kathryn had to force herself to look away from the screens. "No. Not yet. Maybe not at all." She looked back at Omazei and said, "Is that really what I think it is?"

"I think so Captain."

Anthi crossed her arms, her Andorian temperament under the surface. "What do we think it is?"

Kathryn stood and faced her XO, and then looked to the bridge crew. "Out there is a portal to another universe."

Karl Melango, the ship Security Chief stood and said, "What kind of universe?"

Omazei responded, "As you know, with the revelation of the Mirror Universe, the idea of Multiverses is no longer fiction but fact." She paused and pointed the viewscreen. "This wormhole is leading to a new universe ... an 'anti-verse'. Visually, everything is in negative: space is not black, but white, stars emit black-light. Everything is the same, scientifically speaking ... it just looks different."

"So, is there another Solaris on the other side?" Chief Engineer Thel Ythysi spoke up but didn't look away from the viewscreen.

"Possibly, but not probably," Omazei responded. "More research is needed but the probe does not detect another ship. I can't postulate anything beyond that."

Kathryn stepped toward her command chair. "Omazei, catalogue this location. Send your findings to Starfleet and launch a third probe. Set it to transmit back to us. Karl, set a class two special warning marker. If this wormhole becomes stable then Starfleet needs to send its best. We have a patrol to complete and we are not in the best space to sit and wait. If the wormhole collapses then at least we have something. Mr. McKinnon, set course back onto the patrol route."

"Aye, Captain." Ian tapped some controls on the navigation console.



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